Saturday, April 18, 2009

History - The Exciting News From Months Ago

Haha... got to love the title of this entry. I don't know why I haven't written anything about my "accomplishments" with That Vintage yet... perhaps I see those as being in the "past" and this blog being about the "present" and also the "future." But in all honesty, to be apart of the "present" and the "future" you have to have a "past" to spawn from... so here we go!

Last year, in September - a lovely lady purchased the Pair of Birds pendant in American Maple off my Etsy website. As I was packaging it up and writing out the address details on the package, I got a little excited... as I was sending this item to a lady who's postal address was MADISON MAGAZINE - wow... the lovely lady had mentioned nothing in any form of communication to me, other than "buy & pay & thanks" so I waited. The waiting paid of... I got an email from this lovely lady - Alexandra Carlton - saying how she adores her new little birdie friends around her neck. Alexandra also told me a bit about her role at the magazine - she is one of the senior feature writers - and then asked if it would be okay to do a little spiel on That Vintage for the MADISON MAGAZINE Online Blog! Oh.... the excitment! I was overwhelmed - of course I said yes!

How cool is that?!
(click on it to read in a bigger font!)

In January this year, I had Ladyhawke's self titled album on constant rotation - loved it. Her song "Paris Is Burning" reminds me of when I was actually on holiday in France - we were there when the Paris Riots were happening, to do with the public transport system - so it is rather sentimental! So, on Myspace (one of my many social networking addictions) I noticed Ladyhawke (Pip Brown) online... figured it was a long shot, so I sent her a message... and to my surprise she replied! I was hoping she would say: "Yes, I am going to be back in Australia and touring very soon!" - Turns out she won't be back for a long time... so I'll have to put on hold my fan-dance and wait patiently to get my boogie on to Ladyhawke...

Ladyhawke - Pip Brown

I then proposed the idea of sending her one of my wooden bird necklaces as an appreciation for the awesome music (plus I milked the fact that I am half New Zealander - she is a full Kiwi!) and she said yes! So I packaged up a large Pair of Birds pendant in American Maple and shipped it off to her Sydney residence - in which her bestfriend and amazing artist (see the artwork of Ladyhawke's album) also resides.

Artwork by Sarah Lanarch

I figured it would be cruel to just send something to Pip, so I also mailed some goodies for Sarah Larnarch - and the appreciation from Sarah in an email was very warm! Yay!

1 comment:

Dick and Dora said...

Ha! Well done, you've got to get it out there.