Sunday, February 14, 2010

The (Not-So) Terrible Two's.

So the day is here (and almost gone!) ...I'm not talking about Valentine's Day...
I'm talking about...

That Vintage's 2nd Birthday!

It was quite the event - I had to work my Bread & Butter job today, ho hum - the past two weeks of crazy Birthday Celebrations online were amazing - so many people took up the offer to be apart of the festivities and I bet those people will be over the moon when they get their purchases and see the extra goodie within the package! Ah, I love to give!

Rabbit Love Pendant

This seemed to be the most popular item over the past two weeks!

Here's to the year ahead!
Hip Hip!


Cathie said...

hope you had a fabulous birthday!

Mika said...

Great reading your blog. Mika (