g i v e a w a y i s n o w c l o s e d !
stay tuned for winner announcement!
stay tuned for winner announcement!

The lucky winner of the giveaway will not only win one piece, but five!
Up for grabs is:
Leafy Branch Necklace, Fleur Stud Earrings, Red Cabochon Stud Earrings, Winter Woods Part I Brooch and a Vintage Wrap Bangle... valued at $121.00!
What you need to do is comment this entry with the following:
1: "What do you love most about Spring?" - answer this.
2: Tell me which item from the That Vintage Made It store that you adore the most.
3: Leave your email address at the bottom of your entry - please remember to do this!
You must do all of the three steps above, otherwise your entry will be no good!
Winner will be drawn Wednesday 8th September.
Good luck!
I love the flowers that grow along side the road.
My fave item is feather brooch and I still love my wren ring!
Congrats on reaching 300 posts and what a generous giveaway
I love the smell of spring, the sun shining and all the glorious colours, awwww :)
My favourie That Vintage item is my bunny earrings!!
Ange x
Spring is my favourite time of year, things come back to life, the flowers are out, the weather gets warmer, people get HAPPIER! :-)
My favourite item is the winter woods pendant! Ahhh, HARD choice though!
VERY generous giveaway. Congrats on 300 posts.
1: "What do you love most about Spring?"
Hands down the joy that seems to pop out in everyone and everything. Colours are prettier, people are smiling more and it always seems like there is hope on the horizon.
2: Tell me which item from the That Vintage Made It store that you adore the most.
The Birdcage necklace I bought recently. I want to wear it every day!
3: Leave your email address: jenni_klaus@hotmail.com x
Oh how awesome! I love your stuff so I'm super excited about this! Well..here go my answers:
1. What I love most about Spring is the fact that everything comes back to life! It's all so pretty and colorful.
2. I think your "Little Fawn" items are the cutest...especially the brooch :)
Well, thanks for the chance to win! Enjoy your Spring!
My favourite part of spring is seeing daffodils popping up everywhere. They are such a happy, sunshine-y flower and as soon as I see them I just get happy!
My fave item in the That Vintage shop is the Bird Garden pendant. I also love the single bird pendant i bought a while back!
OMG what a fabulous giveaway!!!
Congratulations on 300!
1. I adore the spring blossoms, the magnolia trees in flower and spring bulbs in flower. These things make me smile. That is what I love about Spring.
2. My favourtie That Vintage item is the bird brooch; a classic That Vintage piece! So gorgeous.
3. roseandruby@lifeloveclutter.com
my fav part about spring is the new baby animals! and the pretty flowers that bloom.
my fav item is Little Friend in Dark necklace! sooo pretty!
a big congrats on 300! :)
I love the blossoms and the beautiful warm sunshine.
My favourite would be the Little Fawn Brooch - lovely :)
Happy first day of ❀ Spring ❀ :D
My favorite part of spring is our first picnic in the sunniest part of the park with the new tulips blooming all around us :)
My favorite item in your shop is the rabbit love pendant!
Congrats on reaching 300 posts!! xoxo
Yay! Your giveaways are always so much fun.
I love the seasons. I love Spring for the blossoms on the trees :) And the magnolias. Oh how I miss magnolias
My fav at the moment, I have so many, are the pendants. All of them. In fact I just brought 2 lol!
And my email is biancajwood(at)hotmail(dot)com
Thanks for the chance Sophie :) xox
the lovely smell of flowers, the walks in the park and picnics of course.
i love the vine entwine on madeit.com
thank you for sharing your pretty items... =)
hi Sophie I love the daffodils and all the baby lambs around everywhere so sweet of and the weather getting warmer and all the new growth and blossums on the trees i think i will stop there .
my fav in you store is the winter woodlands pendant
what a lovely giveaway and congrats on the fantastic niche market you had
I love how my mood lifts from the winter fug - and how everyone seems a lot more optimistic and chirpy!
And my favourite That Vintage item is the Pair of Birds brooch. I haven't seen your work before, it's really beautiful - loved all the entwined vine work as well!
1: Chirping birds in the morning when I wake... I feel like Snow White.
2: Being partial to birds... I like the winter woods and the bird garden items. (but they're all swell!)
3: glamspoon [at] clearwire [dot] net
What a gorgeous giveaway. Here goes:
1. I definitely love the smell of flower blooming in spring time. Especially Jasmine and Mock Orange flowers.
2. Love the Birdcage pendant.
3. chrispoole@aapt.net.au
Christine xo
What a spectacular giveaway! Here goes:
1. My most favourite things about spring is all the fresh rain cleaning up all the grimy winter mess!
2. I'm a big fan of the "big friend little friend" pendant in light :)
3. kmccurrach(at)gmail.com
Congratulations Sophie on the milestone.
Spring ~ I love the colour, everything come backing to life, and new buds on branches. {I hate the hayfever however}
Really too hard to choose: I love the feather brooch and the pendant necklaces so I will go the damask necklace
Kellie at 74limelane dot com dot au
1. the best thing about spring is that it's not winter any more.
2. I adore That Vintage Damask - Necklace - Tasmanian Myrtle
3. ngaiosimpson@yahoo.com
S unshine on my windows in morning
P ink and orange sunsets in the eve
R ainbows
I cy windscreens, no more:)
N esting ringtail possums
G atherings with friends
My favourite item from 'That Vintage' is the Tasmanian Myrtle Feather Brooch
1: "What do you love most about Spring?"
The possibility that maybe, some day soon, it won't be so cold that I cannot remember what it is like to be warm in the sun.
2: Tell me which item from the That Vintage Made It store that you adore the most.
The little wren circle. we have wren come out and say hello each time we go into the garden.
3: Leave your email address at the bottom of your entry
I love the baby animals in spring and it's my birthday season YAY.
Even thought we are talking about Spring I love "Winter Woods Part II - Pendant"
WOW SOphie, 300 posts!! That's super awesome!!
I love spring because it brings new life, the lambs, the snow, the sunshine, the blossom, the hope that warmer days are really around the corner!! Bulbs are my favourite also as they remind me of my Dad and Allan's parents who have all passed away, ohh and my other favourite is the Magnolia flower which comes out now!! AMAZING!!
Fav item has to be That Vintage Rabbit love earrings!! Wear them always!!
Oh Sophie you are sooo wonderful,
Hugs SHarnee
1: "What do you love most about Spring?"
most of all i love the smell of spring and the feeling that belongs with it. Every feeling gets so much more intense...
2: Tell me which item from the That Vintage Made It store that you adore the most.
I love the birthcages a lot.
3: Leave your email address: sterrenvangstertje (at) hotmail.com
I love spring .. it feels like the earth is coming back to life.
I love, love your birdcage brooch. That is so cool! Would make a great necklace too ;)
What a generous giveaway!! Your products are so beautiful.
I think my favourite thing about spring is knowing summer is just around the corner! (plus, I love seeing the blossoms start to cover the naked trees)
My favourite item of yours is the Wren Circle Necklace... hard to pick a fave when it's all so lovely.
congratulations on 300 posts! :)
Yay!! What an awesome giveaway with lots of yummy goodies to win!!
I love spring cause finally i'm able to wear flip flops again and feel the grass tickle my toes!!
My favorite That Vintage item is the big friend little friend-ring
Up to the next 300 blogposts? ;-)
I love spring because it is my birthday and the blossoms are out and there is the promise of warmer weather and more sunshine and the bulbs come out ... so much hope and promise...
Gorgeous stuff! Birdcage pendant necklace, although it was a hard choice because I do have a very soft spot for earrings.
I love Spring because it heralds 1 month til my birthday! YAY! And I love the shifts in nature after a long winter.
Ironically, I think my fave piece is the 'Winter Woods' Part II earring set. YUMMO!! But I love all your stuff.
Congrats on your bloggerty milestone!
Best thing about spring is less clothing which mean more room for That Vintage accessories!
favourite piece is some lovely earing I brought at 2 Niche's ago. Button ones.
I love seeing and smelling blossom on trees, it is so pretty and colourful, makes me happy!!
My favourite item is the two bird necklace, wear it so much and only just recently bought it, it's great love love
I love spring for the warmer mornings and the blossoms.
I love your rose thorn studs. Gorgeous.
Email: juicylu @ yahoo dot com
I love the yellow brights of daffys and the wattle birds singing their song, bathing in my pools of water, left by the rain - this is spring loving the warmth of sun on my skin.
and i love the birds earrings (all things spring), wow how gracious this is.
Honestly my favorite thing about spring is it is warm enough to wear shorts all day (so you have to bring out the razor from the bottom of the bathroom cupboard) but cool enough to still wear flanny pjs to bed! I love my newly shaved legs in flanny pjs! SO SOFT!!
Silly I know but there u have it!
I am in LOVE with all of your wrapped bangles, THe ribbons you use are amazing!
email - monkeyandme.tvl@gmail.com
1. I love how you can ride your bike in a skirt again for the first time that year and feel the warm wind on your skin.
2. That Vintage Wren Circle - Necklace - Tasmanian Myrtle is definitely my favorite, it is so cute and I love that it's circle shaped. If I had it I would just touch it all day.
Thank you very much for doing this giveaway. The winner will be absolutely extatic!
I love that everything feels so fresh and new in Spring. The rays of sun, the blossoming trees, and the fresh air...
My fave item is the winter woods pendant!
Congrats on reaching post # 300 Sophie!!
xxx Kasia
Flowers. Suddenly out of nowhere they pop and smile at the world. Daffodils and Lambs!
That Vintage Winter Woods Brooch is beautiful. I love it. Makes me happy.
Spring makes me happy. Giveaways make me happy. :)
x Lou
Oooh, baby animals and jonquils are the best thing about Spring.
I adore the That Vintage Rabbit Love earrings (and can't wait to get the earrings and brooch I ordered last night :D)
I love sitting my front desk watching the sun go down over Bris City.
Fav item is That Vintage Feather Drop earrings.
The thing I love most about spring is the sense of anticipation in the air. It's like anything is possible.
My favourite item in the shop is the winter woods pendant .Although I hear there will be some pretty amazing stuff on it's way soon ;) and I love the items I already have!
Yay, am in love with your wrap bangles and was unable to make it to Niche, one last chance lol!
I love the blossom on the trees, the daffodils in the paddocks and the sunshine!
Fave item in the Made It store is the little wren ring - so cute! Still love the single bird brooch/necklace :-)
Congrats on 300 posts, always a joy and inspiration to read your blog
I love all the new growth and blossums on the trees, new baby animal's and the smell of the fresh clean Tasmanian air.
My favorite in the store would have to be the Wren Circle Pendant that I bought off you and also Im in love with the Winter Woods Part II Earrings.
congratulations on reaching 300 blog posts and on the fantastic niche market you had.
Keep up the good work :)
Great giveaway! I love the sound of the cicadas at night and the smell of freshly cut grass, plus my birthday is in Spring too. My favourite item of yours, if I had to choose only one is the big Friend pendant. Congrats on 300 posts!!
1: Spring in Manitoba is quite messy, from all the snow melting... but nothing beats the smell of fresh blooming lilacs. That's my favorite part of spring.
2: Your MadeIt store is great! My favorite item is the Wren Circle Pin Brooch. (hard to choose a fave, love it all!)
3: holly.neufeld@gmail.com
What do i love about spring the most? When you are on a train on the way to just another day on a monday morning, and all of a sudden the sun comes peeks out from behind the morning cloud, and a burst of wind through the open train windows carries the smell of grass. It is really quite hard to feel bad for the rest of the day when you realise that this is all waiting for you as you travel back home...
My favourite item would have to be the feather brooch :)
I love that sudden realisation you have one evening that it's almost 6pm and still light; knowing that all those long spring and summer evenings are just around the corner.
I LOVE your wren ring and your feather ring and can't decide between them. Please don't make me. There might be tears.
Congratulations on 300 posts and your beautiful made it store. And thanks for sharing the celebration with us in such a generous way.
1. The first thing I LOVE about SPRING is the Bloom of all beauty.beauty in spring defines colors,ideas bloom and fashion atunes with nature,as I have make myself part of THAT VINTAGE I have realizze THAT VINTAGE is what Spring is all about cicles of the a same vintage word but new in every year.
2. I Adore and like most of all the delicate accesories wich are handmade GORGEUS!Blessings~we are all a VINTAGE GODDESS .Joana Zoe
from San Juan,Puerto Rico
You're going to laugh at me for my cliche career-relevant answer to question one.
It's the flowers. I love the flowers in spring. Being a florist, it's so nice to come into a new season and get to use the flowers that come with it. Spring in particular is good because we can cheat and pick flowers from our own gardens to use at work, which is always nice.
It's also good to get rid of the cold, red nose and get some bloody sunshine finally.
My favourite piece on madeit is the Winter Woods brooch. Which, even though it's a RABBIT, reminds me of Bellah when she stands on her hind legs to eat the cordyline plants in my house, and her front paws go all floppy and her ears stick up. Silly Bellah hahaha.
I love Spring because I normally take holidays at this time of year, and can run away from work for a week. Bliss!
My fave item would be your That Vintage single bird brooch. That took a reeaaallly long time to decide. But yes I love him the most.
Teneale x
1:The feeling of "Happiness" that comes with spring and the fact i'm having a spring wedding with 6 bridesmaids in 6 fabulous different colours....
2: Wren Circle Necklace
3: jlibbott@bigpond.com
1.I love that everything awakens when spring arrives.Even people get nicer and happier.
2.my fave is the bird brooch
I like that Spring is a brand new beginning, kind of likea second chance.
I really like ur That Vintage Winter Woods Part II - Rectangle Brooch -http://www.madeit.com.au/detail.asp?id=125544
Congrats in the 300 posts!
Spring...I love the anticipation most of all...waiting for the longer days, warmer weather, blossoms and bulbs to spring into action.
Fav item? Big Friend...love woodland animals.
I love the warmer weather Spring brings, the new leaves and blossoms emerging on trees, the opportunity to play with the kids outside for hours on end and having friends over for BBQs!
My fave item would be the Pair of Birds brooch.
Thanks for the very generous giveaway -Sash
theindigoelephant (at) gmail (dot) com
Wow,just found your madeit store today, now your blog and your having a super generous giveaway. Good timing for me.
I love to feel the sun in spring. Nothing nicer than being still and feeling the sun shining on you and warming you, like kisses from the sun.
I love your pair of birds pendant.
Mary (sweetpeacreativedesign@gmail.com)
I love escaping the cold weather of tassie winter and entering the beautiful season of spring, full of flowers, tweeting birds and sun <3
I love the fluer earings because they remind me of true beauty and spring <3
Kirsten <3
<3 x
p.s, i love your work x
What I love about spring is the colour, the sunshine and the warmth of pure happiness it radiates :-)
My favourite item by far is my twin bird pendant that you have already repaired for me once, and for this I am still very grateful ;-)
Cheers Rach
1: "What do you love most about Spring?"
I especially love that the days are get longer...
2: Tell me which item from the That Vintage Made It store that you adore the most.
Love the little fawn brooch
3: Leave your email address: find me at www.thelittlecardboutique.com
Spring is for the sweet blue wrens
Spring is for picnic fun
Spring is for the new green growth
and spring is for the bright warm sun.
I love all these things about spring and the poetry it inspires!
Winter Woods Part I - Pendant - Tasmanian Myrtle (although I love all of it really)
I love the life that starts to enter everyones souls when the first sign of spring comes along with all the little flower buds.
My current favorite is 'little fawn'
violet_bella {at} hotmail {dot} com
Spring rain. It is honestly the only time it rains here.
I love the "That Vintage Rose Thorn - Earrings."
Also congrats on 300 posts.
What I love about Spring...Magnolia's...Magnolia's...Magnolia's!!!!
Loving the Winter Woods Part II earrings! I just think the bunny and bird are just the sweetest!
What a great response to your giveaway too!
Magnolias! Magnolias in full bloom - they just look amazing.
I like your little bird necklace the most (the rectangle one, with the little bird at the bottom). The bird and the wood are both lovely.
Congrats on your 300th post!
What I love about Spring is the birds and flowers come out to play when the weather warms up.
I love That Vintage Flight - Necklace - Tasmanian Myrtle. It's my favorite.
Thank you for continuing your business. Your success means a lot.
i love the cool weather
my favorite item is the little fawn necklace
My Favorite thing about spring is the fact that it is crisp and clear but chillier than summer weather!
I had a really had time deciding what is my favorite item but I love this http://www.madeit.com.au/detail.asp?id=125661
Ahhh Spring. What I love the most is being able to go for walks after being cooped up all winter long! Love the smells and the freshness of everything around me!
From your Made It shop I love the That Vintage Little Fawn - Rectangle Brooch SO CUTE!!
Thanks for having such a great giveaway! Happy Spring to you!
bailybellecreations [at] gmail [dot] com
1. Spring is one of my favorite seasons - falling in second place to Autumn.
Spring is just such a refreshing time of the year where greenery and flowers burst with color and the weather isn't bitter cold, but a coolness with warmth fills the air. I just love being outside during spring. So many good things about it.
2. My favorite piece from your shop is Winter Woods - Necklace
3. jocelyndpryor@yahoo.com
1. I love the new buds on the trees and spring flowers, new baby animals and a day at the beach (finally!).
2. my favorite is: That Vintage Feather - Brooch - Tasmanian Myrtle
3. lola_719@yahoo.com
Wow! 300 posts! Congrats! I'm at 9 posts... I have a long way to go to catch up!
Anyway, my favorite thing about spring is the feeling of a new beginning. Like everything is all fresh and new.
I like all of the floral/leafy items in That Vintage, they are so detailed, it's amazing! But most especially the Vintage Rose Thorn Circle brooch.
Take Care,
Spring! Oh how I love thee!
I love that you can smell the seasons changing. I love that you can see new life springing up everywhere. I love the crickets and cicadas that start buzzing in the evenings and I love that everyone gets so much happier in the spring.
What's my favourite That Vintage item? My new fleur stud earrings of course, that I received from my darling husband (and thanks to you, Soph!)
Email: bronyanderson@gmail.com
that vintage bird garden pendant- beautiful...and my favourite thing about spring- my two babies birthdays- my son turning two next week, and my second son expected any day now!
I love seeing the cherry blossoms...so I can steal some every few days for vases around my house. But mostly it's about seeing the flowers in bloom.
My favourooni is the Leafy Branch brooch (because it reminds me of Spring).
(if anyone else adds me to their mailing list, I will cut them....after I king hit them)
I love the smell of spring rain especially after the grass has been freshly cut together - reminds me of my childhood.
I love That Vintage Bird Brooch, very cute!
The thing I love the most about Spring is that a rainy day doesn't feel sad. Rain in Spring makes me think of all of the thirsty plants in my garden soaking it up & preparing to flower. And you know the sun will come out the next day for certain! My Favourite item is still your feather brooch (which I own) and always will be!
my favourite part of spring is playing outside in the fresh spring breeze
my favourite that vintage item is the feather brooch and fleur pendant. it's hard to choose though!
cherry blossoms are by far the best thing about spring. I adore the feather brooch!
Magnolia Blossoms and jonquils and daffs! Plus longer days and hoping for warmer days...
I love the birdcage pendant....
I love the smell of cut grass, the smell of frangipanis in the garden and the smell of a yummy bbq cooking but most of all spending time with family and friends on during the longer,warmer days. My favourite piece from the That Vintage Range is the Red Cabochon stud earrings they are just gorgeous xo
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