Friday, September 23, 2011

A Break From The Norm.

At the moment, I have a lot of built up creative energy - sure, I could channel it into some new design pieces for That Vintage (and I will, don't worry!) but today I felt like I needed to do something for me.
Something for my soul.
I was flicking through my (rescued) albums of artwork on my new iMac (R.I.P PC) and was inspired by myself (if that is even possible?!) to revisit a style of illustration that I use to do a lot of - mixed collage and line ink drawing.
And the above - "The Angle of Flora" - is the end result...
Please click on it for a closer look, the middle is not a smooth join because of the collage background and layering of papers... regardless, I am happy with how it has turned out.

And I feel good.
My soul feels good -
I feel like a release has occured!

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