Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Curled Fingers Around Pencils

I often wake up early on my days off (this morning it was 6:30am) - I don't have a clue as to what a sleep-in is! I don't eat breakfast straight away, instead I like to spark my creative side of the brain into 1st gear by letting my eyes and fingers wander around on Etsy.

This morning, I searched under illustrations (art) the words "girl pencil" and these are my three favourites that resulted in that search... ahh! I want to draw now!

"Flutter" by florriemitton
print $19.00US

"Girl With Red Hair" by MultiplePersonality
print $22.00US

"Garland Girl" by LauraRosenbaum
print $20.00US

"Flutter" makes me think of a fashion shoot that I remember seeing on Fashion TV (Austar) ages ago... it was all Moulin Rouge-esque and there were lots of feathers. I am a sucker for bone structure in faces.

"Girl With Red Hair" ...ah how clever is the flow of that beautiful washed out crimson hue.

"Garland Girl" has so much detail, it makes me giddy - but that is what I love about it!


Katherine said...

I'm totally in love with "Girl With Red Hair"

I don't think that there's anymore to say about that.

red bamboo said...

I love "Garland Gir" - what great patterns and shading!