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Sing it loud lovers because this is the big birthday bang!
One lucky lover will win a $100.00au That Vintage voucher to be used in the That Vintage Etsy store, valid from Thursday 16th of February until, well, you use it all up!
What do you have to do to go in the draw to score this birthday gift?!
1 - "Comment" on this blog entry, sharing with me your most memorable birthday cake ever - be sure to include your email address!
This is the compulsory step to go in the draw. For more chances to win, do the following and mention it in a comment on this blog!
2 - "Share" or "Mention" That Vintage on Facebook - please make sure you tag That Vintage!
3 - "Tweet" this blog link with mention to @thatvintage
Do this all before Tuesday 14th of February, 9pm ADST ...winner drawn shortly after and contacted by email, announced in follow up blog entry and on the Facebook page.
Good luck and thanks for sharing in the birthday goodness with That Vintage!
-- giveaway now closed --
for my 8th birthday my Step-Mum made me a swimming pool cake, looked amazing, problem was it tasted absolutely horrible! no-one ate it and I was devastated!
My Favourite Birthday Cake was made for me by my Bestie....It was a pink handbag that had handles that I could use to make a bag. It was gorgeous! abegelhole@hotmal.com
My fave birthday cake was when I was little my dad made me a humpy dumpty cake and he spent hours Christmas Day decorating it (as my birthday is Boxing day) it was amazing even more so cause my dad did it!!! lindseywhiting@hotmail.com
My Favourite birthday cake was for my 20th, my cousin made me the most divine chocolate cake with a picture of my favourite ship (The Spirit of new Zealand - looks like a pirate ship) in black icing, right down to the fine detail of the ropes used to haul on the sails :)
My most memorable Bd cake ever...well considering my mum used to make us amazing cakes every year when we were little, that's hard... :)
Probably the one I loved best was a 3D 'fairytale' castle mum made...complete with a wall, castle gate & towers. It was gorgeous - covered in white icing and decorated with smarties and pink musk sticks :)
Thanks and happy birthday!
My most memorable birthday cakes always came from the Australian Womens Weekly birthday cake book, my fav was probably Dolly Varden, Mum used a barbie doll & the marshmallow skirt didn't last long before it was eaten!
Have tweeted the comp
As a kid, every year I would get so excited getting to pick out a birthday cake, and each year it would always be out of the Woman's Weekly Birthday Cake Book! But it was always such a hard thing to pick just one, but my favourite waas definitely the Ballerina cake. After reading your post I went and pulled the tattered old thing out and had a very gentle flick through, with some of it's pages hanging out, some taped back in - 1 book, 3 kids and over 25 years of not only birthday cakes but memories to last a lifetime!
this is pretty lame but at the time it was AWESOME! i used to LOVE the backstreet boys...like, love them (as in i've seen them 9x in concert kind of love) anyways for my 12th birthday party my friends mum who was a professional cake lady (or whatever the proper term is) made me a Howie D cake (yep, Howie was my fave!!) anyway, it was awesome! i wish i had photos to share.
My mum made or ordered alot of lovely cakes for me over the years. but for most memorable I'm going to with the cake she made me in the shape of horse, particularly as it is the one I instantly think of. I was young so all I remember is that it was a horse. :)
Olivia Lucas oilucas@postoffice.utas.edu.au
Probably my 18th birthday cake. We had a pink party so the cake was a hot pink ice cream cake. Pretty to look at & delicious!
i also tweeted!
whoops shared and tweeted too.
i also posted/shared on facebook via Carly Ann
Oh, I forgot! I tweeted! :)
My mum LOVED making birthday cakes, her faithful old copy of the womens weekly cake book, got quite the work out over the years, but my favourite would have to be the miss piggy cake!
I am lactose and gluten intolerant so my birthday 'cakes' were always quite unique creations. However for some reason, that I cannot remember, when I was 7 I had an ice cream cake... I was SOOO excited- the photos are hilarious! Huge grin and no teeth.
Also shared on facebook!
Have a wonderful wonderful Birthday :D
I don't need to be considered to win this due to already winning one of these fabulous competitions, but I just have to share my favourite birthday cake with you all :)) for both my second and third birthdays, I had a bananas in pyjamas cake, so to have one last hurrah of being a kid, for my eighteeth birthday, my mum made me a spectaular bananas in pyjamas cake with statues that she made coming down the stairs! Was literally the best cake ever :)
This is hard as my mum was a cake decorator and brilliant cook, so I have been very lucky with various wicked cakes over the years. However I would have to say my 18th birthday cake as it was beautifully decorated with large brightly coloured icing hearts (blue-purple, red and yellow)arranged/scattered on the cake like confetti with blue glitter stars on sticks bursting out of the middle of the cake like a firework, it was awesome!
Shared the link on Facebook! :)
I remember my mum made me a tropical island cake with jelly blue water & gummy lolly sharks in the water, complete with real ferns making the palm trees for my 9th birthday :) I was so impressed with it I got upset when we had to cut it!
Shared your pretty wares on facebook as I don't use twitter.
Hmmm, My favourite birthday cake over the years was probably one that my nan made me, of course it was a women's weekly cake, a house which looked like Hansel and Gretal's house (yum yum ).. But seriously, all cakes are yummy... :)
Olivia xx
Hmmm, My favourite birthday cake over the years was probably one that my nan made me, of course it was a women's weekly cake, a house which looked like Hansel and Gretal's house (yum yum ).. But seriously, all cakes are yummy... :)
Olivia xx
Unfortunately, no absolutely fantastic cake comes to mind. But for my 21st my sister made me a lovely carrot cake and then sent it down to me at university with one of my friends - so totally appreciated that effort.
I have also shared on FB.
oooh! Too many to choose from!!!
My little Nan used to make all my birthday cakes when I was little and had birthday cakes (need to bring it back!). They were scrummy little art works xox
P.S thanks for such generous birthday celebrations over the past week!
For my 8th birthday my Mum made me a vanilla sponge carousel cake, she put a pole in the middle with ribbons wrapped around it, tied to 8 horses around the outside of the cake. I will never forget that cake, simple things are always best.
Have shared on facebook on Luellabella business page :)
A big huge final HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!
when i was little my mum made me the most amazing cake that looked like a poodle,it had mini marshmallows on top and tasted incredible!
My most memorable birthday cake was a Minnie Mouse head! My mom did the most amazing decorating jobs! Nothing like an early 90's Minnie cake :)
WOW SOhpie you really KNOW how to PARTY!!! Love the celebrations and the special!!!
My most memorable cake was one that I made for Hannah. She had a jungle theme and we had the coolest Jungle cake with animals and palm trees and fences, the works! During singing "happy Birthday" someone noticed that the CAKE was on FIRE!!! Yes from one of the candles it had caught alight the plastic Palm tree! The children were quite excited, though Hannah was screaming!! WIth a quick bit of action it was all fixed with out TOO much damage to the cake!! I don't think she blew the candles out that year! It was one of us in a panic!!! Funny!!
Thanks again for the wonderful week of celebrations!
All the best for your FORTH year!
Love and HUgs Sharnee :)
My most memorable birthday cake was the one i made for my daughters first bithday! It was a two tiered mud cake (white and dark) and was tinkerbell themed. Cute little lady bugs, pink flowers and of course tinker herself on top. My daughter may have only been one but her little face lit up when i brought it out for her.
A photo if anyone would like to see :) :
I mentioned the shop on Facebook! Facebook would not let me tag - but the post can be seen at the link above!
My most memorable birthday cake was the birthday cakes that my bestie made for my birthday just a few weeks ago. I asked her to make me three mini cakes that we found on Pinterest and they were adorable!! The added surprise however was when I cut into one of the cakes to find it was a layered pink rainbow cake on the inside!!! Best surprise ever :)
I've also shared on Facebook (Katie Lowe)
Fingers & toes crossed!
My Grandma made me a "Princess Cake" when I was about four... it featured a legless Barbie that sat in the hollowed out centre of the cake - the cake acted as her dress and was decorated as such. My favourite part at the time was that I was able to keep the Barbie afterwards!
My most memorable cake was the Angry Birds cake I made my youngest last year. Pinterest gave me waaay too many ideas and it ended up being a bigger than Ben Hur type task. He loved it though, so much that he wants the same again this year!! Will have to talk him out of that!
Happy birthday!
One of my most memorable birthday cakes was the princess cake my mum made for my 9th birthday. It was so beautiful and the only thing that got me upset was that she'd made it a bit small so had had to detach Barbie's legs to stick her in the cake, LOL!
debyeo at hotmail dot com
Ooo I have a blog so I'll post on that!! Spread the word from there!!
Smiles Sharnee :)
It's a hard choice between the giant fruit flan 'cake' I had last year (clearly showing how grown up I've become haha) and the awesome train cake (from the Woman's Weekly cookbook of course!) Mum slaved over as a 2 year old!
wow... lovely lovely creations!!
My crazy cake was as a young girl.. the classic 'angel food cake' that had the hole in the middle... where Barbie was then shoved and covered with icing to make the cake morph into her 'ballroom dress'... fun times!
For my 13th birthday, my mom invited all of my friends over, and then got me a Disney princess cake (Plus a disney princess pinata, and little candy bags) then proceeded to tell everyone I was her little princess. SO embarrassing!
xo Heather
shared on facebook!
Growing up my Mum would always bake the most beautiful cakes from the Woman's Weekly Kids Birthday Book: the Barbie in the gorgeous dress, the jelly swimming pool, the castle and the list goes on but the truth is nothing could ever beat the Freddo Ice Cream cake from the supermarket!!
that's one hard question...how to choose just one! all the early years it was such a serious choice to make, looking at the famous women's weekly birthday cakes cookbook for weeks or months beforehand too choose. definitely some from that book that stand out in my memory.
i think the one i have to choose though is one made by a friend more recently, a strawberry hazelnut meringue gateau that had become our favourite as we grew older. i have been sick for decades of our friendship but she has stuck beside me through thick and thin and to show up with this special (and completely divine) cake when i had hardly been well enough to see her meant the world to me...and now i am tearing up!
happy happy birthday sophie - what a lovely lovely bang to end the week of celebrations on.
Easy to answer this question! My most memorable cake is very special memory to me! Our Mum was not a baker and not into decorating at all! My parents didnt have money to spend on buying birthday cakes either. So all of siblings (4 of us) always had the same simple, one bowl chocolate cake for our birthday with a basic chocolate icing and candles. Then when I turned 10 my sister, 4 years my senior, surprised me with a teddy bear shaped cake that had a head and limbs made from cake with a creamy chocolate icing and coconut sprinkled all over for fur. It had different coloured icing for the insides of the ears and a cute face and smile. It was such a surprise when it came out. It still warms my heart to tell that story :)
One of my favorite birthday cakes was when my mom made a fairy cake for me on my 7th birthday. Those were the days before Pinterest, but she found a way to make a dress around a fairy doll out of cake (both of which were pink.) I remember watching her put the icing on it to! (also pink) I loved that my mom wanted to do something so fun & creative for me, so that is why it's one of my favs. (:
Tweeted & shared! (savanna.spear@gmail.com)
When I turned 22 last October I was living in a foreign, non English speaking country (and still am). So far from friends, family and the warmth of home. It was such a special moment when the receptionist called me over with her broken english to give me a parcel that had arrived at my apartment building. I opened the box and inside found the most beautiful and thoughtful cake. Each slice had been hand made with love and care out of delicate and beautiful paper, with hand crafted "piped icing" and "cherries" on top. Hidden on the side of each "slice" that I pulled from the whole was a beautiful message or memory written in my dear friends gorgeous handwriting.
It was really the most precious and thoughtful cake. Even though it was origami and I couldn't eat it, it reminded me that although there are so many km's between myself and the ones I love; I'm still so close to their hearts.
Happy birthday that vintage!
For my 18th Birthday, I had an Alice in Wonderland Party and I made the cake. It was shaped like a card, with a Q for Queen of hearts, in the middle was a mushroom with a caterpillar on top, and around that was a teapot pouring rainbow tea into two cups ... it was so much fun to make! ~ And hard to explain! :P
As a little girl I always dreamed of having a castle cake just like the one in the women's weekly cookbook! Every year I would ask for it but mum was never really into baking so this year I WILL have my castle cake. At twenty five with three kids of my own I endeavor to make my own beautiful castle cake this year ... I think it's healthy to be a kid every now and again :p
I must say though my beautiful friends brought me a Tant Pour Tant cake a few years back, and that of course was AMAZING!!
Tweeted and FB shared :D
My favorite birthday cake would be the famous spounge cake my mum makes : ) she usually makes me one for most of my birthdays ! So yummy : )
Happy birthday thy vintage - your the best
Karen xox
Happy Birthday That Vintage hope you have a great day of celebrations and thanks for sharing them with us. What would be do without the Women's Weekly Birthday Cake Book! My favourite would have been the fairy castle so much that a very close friend is making me a pink fairy castle similar to Planet Cake design and I can't wait only a few more weeks, solo excited and privileged to have beautiful friends.
Growing up we didn't celebrate birthdays due to religious beliefs BUT my mum made sure we never missed out. She used to do daycare as well so she was constantly holding parties for all the small children, especially the new ones who were really missing their parents or were sick or sad but the parents HAD to work. The cake that stands out the most is when one mum made for a couple of the day care kids who were leaving the State and travelling to the mainland in a caravan, across Australia to WA where they were to live. The cake was this incredible red retro looking caravan (though at the time it was probably the current style hehe), with the works! wheels, windows, every member of that family in the window, an annex, their pet dog, a BBQ - whatever you need for a huge roadtrip like that mum made it into a cake for them or made it out of lollies. I remember her spending hours and hours on it to get it just right, so much so when the parents saw it they cried...along with the kids hehe. This one is for you mum!
I have had so many amazing Birthday cakes. But my favourite of all Birthday cakes was for my little cousins Birthday. My Mum made him a Choo Choo Train cake,the time and effort that Mum put into the cake was awesome. To see little Jacobs face was so adorable, and the excitement on the other childrens faces was priceless.
Happy Birthday x
Last year i made my son his 1st bday cake- the number 1.. memorable as it was a disaster!!! Bright green icing that was so strong it brunt your throat.. epic fail.. but my son loved squishing his hands all through it!!
Happy Birthday!
Kerrie Baldwin
Just shared on facebook!! :)
Kerrie Baldwin
You only turn 50 once and naturally my family made me know quite clearly what 50 candles on a cake looks like!! More candles than cake!! Happy 4th Birthday!
Annette (fb fan)
Oh, happy, happy day to you, Sophie!
On my 5th birthday, my mum made me the most gorgeous little piggy cake... I loved it so much I sat in the kitchen and talked to it while everyone else ate chips and chatted or whatever it is grownups do while the birthday girl sits in the kitchen and talks to her birthday cake. Anyway, I decided that the best plan of action, obviously, was to eat her nose before she went out to the party to play (it was so pink and delicious with marshmallow flowers and smarties...)
I got into so much trouble.
But her nose was still all mine. How I loved that little piggy.
My 18th birthday (two weeks ago), I had a Betty Boop cake. It was quite big and had her wearing her classic red dress.
It was so cute! And tasted great too. :D
Metika Claxton
Email: metikaclaxton@live.com
Twitter post: https://twitter.com/#!/Teaks_/status/169311470583156736
Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/teaks1/posts/170073536439512
For my 5th birthday my mum made me a cake which looked like a soccer field. She made it because she new that i wanted to be a soccer superstar. She didn't make it all by herself though, my dad piped on the lines because she didn't know where to put them.
Have facebooked @That Vintage.
My favourite birthday cake wasn't mine, but my brothers. My mum made a MASSIVE Morgan Cake (from Banana's in PJs) for one of his birthdays, so many edible decorations and it was so big and yummy!
I was wearing That Vintage today, Happy Birthday!
I could tell you or I could show you;)
It was the tinest one I've ever had, but also the one I loved best<3
I shared on facebook:
And tweeted: b_e_nightowl
Happy birthday!
Hello :)
When I was six I had a little party with about 15 of my friends at the zoo. My mom bought me a Bart Simpson cake. It was a vanilla ice cream cake with sweet coloured syrup on top to make Bart's colours. Absolute bliss for me as a six year old. To this day I still crave that cake. <3
Email addy: jessicakatetweed@gmail.com
my best b-day cake ever ws the My Little Pony cake my mum made me when i was 5!
shared on facebook
tweeted too {@pixie_polly}
My friend Bell makes birthday cakes every birthday that us girls have. She doesn't have to, and is a busy girl, but makes us all these masterpiece cakes with tiers, and luscious berries and mascarpone cheese. Bell even made my wedding cake all on her own, and she isn't even a baker! The best birthday cake I've had was a chocolate cake Bell made with a chocolate bar border and butter icing. Butter icing is the best! if i was lucky enough to win this voucher, I would be sharing it with Bell :)
Most memorable birthday cake - is probably the first one I can remember! The number 4 in the woman's weekly birthday cake book. Pale pink and decorated with flowers made from sliced marshmallows & smarties!
My favorite cake was my 21st which my sister made for me. A GIANT cupcake with an edible picture of my kinder school photo on it. Yummo and cute!
I've also shared That Vintage on my Facebook for my friends as thy'd be crazy not to have a look! :)
A very happy birthday to That Vintage!
My wonderful mum made amazing cakes every year... So spoilt! I think my favourite was the icecream cake princess but my favourite sharing cake was the chocolate crackle cat that she made 3 years in a row for me to take to school... She would have preferred to make something different but I begged her over and over... Such a blessing to have a loving mum! She is much missed!!
My best birthday cake was a huuuge yellow cake with big lollipops and long marshmallows and my favourite sweets coming out of it when I was 7. That or the one my mister made me for my birthday last year, he makes amazing cakes!
With the good old Women's Weekly birthday cake cookbook at hand, mum could always pull out a brilliant cake! I remember mum making the gorgeous 'Lady Bird' cake when I turned 5 - I thanked her for her effort by picking off all the smarties and not touching the cake! Happy birthday That Vintage!!!
Shared on fbook!
Call me crazy but I hate 'regular cake'! For my birthdays as a kid I always had icecream cake, SOOO GOOD! But... my most memorable was made by my sister for my birthday last year... Cookies and cream cheesecake! It was freakin' delicious!!
My most memorable cake was one my mother bear made when i was little, pirate themed! It was incredible. It consisted of a island (cake) with icing decorations like trees and ocean (blue jelly mmmm!) and lots of pirate themed lego pieces! love your designs love bron : bronterebecca@hotmail.com
Call me crazy but I hate 'regular cake'! For my birthdays as a kid I always had icecream cake, SOOO GOOD! But... my most memorable was made by my sister for my birthday last year... Cookies and cream cheesecake! It was freakin' delicious!
For my 21st I had all the amazing cakes! Cheesecake, chocolate cake, pavlova and choc ripple cake! The best cake is too many cakes!!
A princess castle cake my mum made with ice cream cones upside down as the points of the castle, with pink icing of course!
My most memorable birthday cake was for my 15th birthday. I asked my mum for an icecream cake. Simple enough? No. My icecream cake ended up being a chocolate cake, in the shape of an icecream... It made us all laugh and actually ended up being a beautiful chocolate cake!
Email is greer.powell@rocketmail.com
Hope you have a great birthday Etsy!
My favourite birthday cake comes every year when my mum makes it for me!She never fails to make a fantastic vegan cake for my birthday, no matter how busy she is or where I am- I currently live three hours drive from Mum but she either makes it and drives it to me or I drive to it!And I'm 35 years old and still getting birthday cakes!So lucky!
Oh and my email is anaishatch@yahoo.com.au!
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