After a lot of tossing and turning, setting up the stall in my mind whilst laying comfortably in my warm bed last night - I managed to get to sleep before 1am. Milestone!
Niche: All Wrapped Up starts today (in case you've been living under a rock!) and it is going to be fantastic.
Super duper.
And bursting at the seams with awesome talent!
See you there!
There isn't actually any time for a cuppa at the moment.
It is all systems a-go-go!
Niche: All Wrapped Up starts tomorrow - and boy oh boy, that has come around so quick.
I spent last night with Natalie at Lauren's place - Leaves & Stems - helping her out with some little jobs ready for her stall at the market too.
I have just finished some errands this morning, scoffed down some much needed sushi and wasabi mayo (my vice!) and am about to go help out Lauren again - I'm actually that organised this time around, that I can share my time with someone else - incredible!
I finished making the little Tea Party Cup Rings yesterday afternoon, they are oh so cute as well - I'm going to struggle to part with them all!
I have just finished making the Tea Party Rings for Niche: All Wrapped Up, these are pretty cute - I am quite tempted to keep one of each but... I shouldn't!
Can't believe that the market is this Friday - where has that time gone!
Hellooooooo market-goers!
Just thought I would share this photo of an order that I have just finished wrapping and packaging up.
I've got it all down to a fine art now, speedy too!
I couldn't wait.
I love it when this time of year rolls around.
Earth Hour.
It (officially) begins at 8:30pm tonight in Australia - but I started well before 7:30pm!
A tribute to all those little creatures with feathers and fur that inspire the That Vintage designs.
Do something good for the planet and switch all your lights off and even all of your televisions and your computer and everything else - pop your laptop on its own charge, crank your iPod/iPhone with its own speakers, for a full hour from 8:30pm... enjoy some quiet, calming candle light ...oh so heavenly!
Happy Earth Hour!
Music getting me through the busy time leading up to Niche: All Wrapped Up is none other than the gorgeous girls from WarPaint.
Favourite tracks on repeat are "Undertow" "Billie Holiday" and their beautiful cover of David Bowie's "Ashes to Ashes."
I can't seem to function in the "factory" without some tunes and WarPaint certainly gives me that productive kick in the ear drum.
This big beautiful box was waiting for me at work today... inside it, not one, but two of the delightful hidden tea cups with the little owl poking his head up!
So flippin' cute.
I can't wait to surprise a friend by serving up a cup of tea... with the little hootin' owl waiting to be revealed - the novelty surprise will never get old for me!
I arranged to get these from Nat at Nest in Penguin - and I believe that I am so super duper lucky because these are in hot demand; thank you so much Nat for helping me out with my tea cup addiction!
Whilst out on the thrifting adventure yesterday afternoon with Lauren - we stopped in at a newsagent; walking in I was muttering: "No... they won't have it yet, it's too early... it won't be out yet, not here in little old Tasmania."
With my eyes scouring the long magazine racks: Frankie, Yen, Oyster, Russh...
"Oh poop. It's not out." - I said as I turned to my right to see Lauren flicking through a new Martha Stewart magazine.
Out of the corner of my eye, the spunky blue Peppermint logo caught my eye.
I picked it up excitedly, flicking through the divine smelling pages of the eco-friendly magazine and stopped at page 25: the advertisement for That Vintage.
A huge wave of warm, gushy proud feelings filled my heart.
I purchased it right there and then - even knowing that my subscription copy is on its way!
The little buzzes of working your butt off to afford such paper-glory for my little label, is still so very awesome to me.
This issue of Peppermint is by far my favourite (and I'm not being biased!) - the story of Baked Relief as told by Danielle Crismani had me smiling and also had me in tears.
You. Must. Get. A. Copy.
Those L.U.S.Y boys have been at it again!
Check out this super cute lovey dovey stop-motion clip... words can not describe the loooooove... how flippin' cute!
That is a wrap.
All the wrapped bangles are COMPLETE!
I haven't counted them yet, but I've run out of bangle bases... so that's a good sign! Phew!
I can't even pick a favourite, which one will I wear to Niche: All Wrapped Up?
Two weeks to go.
See you there?!
More time was spent in the kitchen yesterday afternoon, finishing off the clay pieces for Niche: All Wrapped Up.
Little rings have been added to the range, as well as small round pin brooches!
This is my current fashion wish list - all items are from Urban Outfitters, a site in which I could easily spend a couple of hours browsing, not to mention the amount of money I could quite easily part with...eek!
I am so tempted to buy it all right now, but alas, that would put a severe dent into my holiday-spending money - so I must resist. Right?
We are all aware of the indescribable heartache that the people of Japan - and the rest of world - have experienced and witnessed with the recent earthquake and tsunami.
In times of need - those who can, do what they can.
The beautiful and talented Kelly Smith, a fellow Tasmanian and the name behind the illustrations from Birdy & Me, has listed her divine Sadako illustration on Etsy, with 50% of proceeds going to the Red Cross Japan Appeal.
I just purchased one and it will make a beautiful birthday gift for my sister...
I hope my sister isn't reading this!
Paper Yarn Rings by PaperPhine.
How incredibly intricate are these little rings?
I have looked at the above image for a while, zoomed in and studied it close up - I am truly just in awe of these rings and the craftsmanship behind them.
PaperPhine's entire store is incredible, not only do they sell Paper Yarn in an array of beautiful colours, but a lot of other jewellery items made from their Paper Yarn - the earrings are so cute, like a ball of tangled cotton - yet paper yarn!

I will be taking a break from the online shops (Etsy & Made It) just prior to Niche: All Wrapped Up - they will re-open once I return from my (well over-due) holiday to Perth, on the 17th of April.
So if you were thinking of making an online purchase - get in quick, before Wednesday the 30th of March!

I managed to lock myself away in my little studio space for 4 hours straight yesterday, in that time frame I finished over 80 pendants.
I have a blister on the palm of my hand from where my pliers rest when I am using them - rather amusing to me as I've never had a blister in that spot before!
It must have been the music cranked really loudly that encouraged me to work at double speed - because I have never worked so fast when making jewellery - it was actually a lot of fun.
When I packed up the pendants into their little zip-lock bags, ready to be tagged next week, I decided to do a preliminary stock count...
107 pendants and necklaces.
185 pairs of clay earrings.
243 pairs of wooden earrings.
Today is the day of focusing on rings and brooches - feeling very prepared for Niche: All Wrapped Up now!
I have a weak spot for magazines and books.
More so, I have a weak spot for collecting every single issue released.
I'm fairly certain I'm missing a few from the Peppermint Magazine collection, but I am chuffed with just how many magazines have made their way into my racks.
The next issue of Peppermint (for March) should be out to subscribers this week - and on the shelves the following week... secretly itching to get myself a copy of this issue, not only does it include features on the wonderful work of Baked Relief but also a half page advertisement for That Vintage.

Cute and very detailed needlepoint loafers by Paige.
I love the fox, and the robin, and the horse... and, hmm, can I have one of each?!
In between organising a couple of wholesale orders and waiting for the glue to set on a stack of brooches - I decided to play with the new camera.
Check out this shot of the floral wrap bangles - please click on it to see it in all of its glory!
I am so in love with the new camera... hello macro, you have made me oh-so happy!
I treated myself to an upgrade in the camera area; managed to get the Canon PowerShot SX30 IS for under $600 from a local retailer.
Absolutely thrilled!
I have already been playing with it and it is oh-so easy to use; it has some cool settings and tricks too!
It will be perfect for jewellery product shots - the macro is incredible!
I am truly obsessed with these sorts of wooden boxes and crates at the moment.
I purchased a few last week on Etsy from an American seller - they happened to be old Kraft cheese boxes - long and narrow, pre-loved but so cute!
Can not wait to play around with them and create a new use for something old.

That Vintage is thrilled to be featured on the beautiful and inspiring blog of Studio Home.
This blog is dedicated to finding all things creative from New Zealand and Australia - our two countries are a creative force to be reckoned with!
Be sure to "like" Studio Home on Facebook to get regular updates on new posts!
A huge high-five to this gorgeous lady!
Madeline (model from previous That Vintage photo shoots) has just found out that she has made the cut for the Top 100 for Australia's Next Top Model.
Go get 'em girl!
A Beginners Guide To Kissing by L.U.S.Y Productions.
Because know, sometimes...
People forget how to do it, right?
Tip Toe Tailor boots by whywho from the land across the ditch, New Zealand.
I love the mossy grey suede combined with the bright tan leather - such an edgy yet girly look!
The fact that these can be laced up in full like the traditional steel-cap boot - as well as being folded and cuffed down - is just funk-tionality at its best.
I'm dreaming of owning these.
Because they are currently so hot, that they are out of stock!
The official clip from the That Vintage photoshoot by Scott Atkins from L.U.S.Y Productions.
Amazing work - so thrilled to have worked with both Scott & Jesse - definitely teaming up again in the future!
Make sure you watch the clip at full screen - it's total cuteness is enhanced!
Music - "Until We Bleed" - Kleerup feat. Lykke Li.
My sister took this photo of That Vintage on display in The Ivy Room.
Last September, I flapped my wings (totally metaphorically speaking!) to Adelaide for a holiday to see my older sister and her family.
It also doubled as a trip to find homes for That Vintage in South Australia.
I am pleased to say that The Ivy Room decided to give That Vintage a home in their sweet little store on Jetty Road in Glenelg.
The boys from L.U.S.Y Productions have wow-ed me again.
How cute is this clip!
Beautiful, woodland owl wallpaper by Abigail Edwards.
There is just something endearing about the warm, golden glow of these owls - perhaps the hand drawn illustrations are the reason; drawn with soul, they have a cute whimsical factor which is impossible to measure!
And here they are.
The final colour cut has been made - as much as I was loving the denim blue - it just didn't work with That Vintage; the dark colour tend to lose the imagery embossed into it.
These three colours compliment each other and also compliment the rest of the That Vintage range - the new wrap bangles in floral and lace, plus, of course - the entire wood range.
Those who make the trip to Niche: All Wrapped Up next month, will be in for one heck of a treat.
So many amazing stalls - the good ol' regular favourites such as Hideyo, Red Bamboo, and The Cupcake Fairy - plus some new ones too, such as Leaves & Stems, Haylo and Marley & Lockyer! (And many more!)

Last night, I tagged up 185 pairs of clay earrings and around 80 pairs of wooden earrings - with plenty more still waiting to be tagged.
I did this in a haze because at the moment, I am feeling a little bit run-down.
A one-woman operation plus a bread & butter job, long days, long nights - obviously going to result in a little bit of the "under-the-weather" feeling.
It always tends to happen right before I have holidays from the bread & butter job and right before I have a major market event for That Vintage - but never fear... for I know how to consume copious amounts of green tea, garlic and other delicious anti-cold concoctions!
What is your number one tip for the common cold combat?

Another quick sticky-beak into what's going to be on the stall at Niche: All Wrapped Up - floral wrap bangles in cute vintage-esque prints!
The lovely Lou Pardi, shares her talents of writing across a few publications such as J Mag and Peppermint and now she has done a little spiel on That Vintage for the March issue of J Mag - by Triple J. (page 20.)
Lou and I spoke late last year and to be honest with you, I could have chatted to her for hours, she was a charmer on the other end of the blower!
Pretty chuffed to be included in this magazine.
Thanks Lou!
I baked up another storm today - three colours: soft peach, cement and white.
These will be turned into earrings for Niche: All Wrapped Up.
My hands are so dry from the clay and I think I have strained the lower part of my thumb.
But hey... it was totally worth it!